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Jailed for Jesus

Following the lord’s call and driving through the vast market place in San Jose, Costa Rica, my heart became heavy for the thousands I saw with no hope, struggling to survive, never hearing His simple plan of salvation.   The Lord’s burden for these people led me to rent a small parking lot in the middle of the red light district to proclaim His “Good News” from 11:30 to 2:00 every Tuesday.

Image of Charles Moore, just prior to being arrested for preaching in the streets.  See the Police Officers on the left of the photo awaiting to arrest Charles.

During the first two weeks, women constantly shouted vulgarities at me from windows in the house of prostitution across the street.   But by the third week, several had accepted the Lord!   From then on they all were quiet and listened attentively.

That week I was arrested and put in jail along with Claudio Rojas a layman who chose to accompany me.

Amid the filth, drunks lying unconscious on the floor, police threats, Claudio and I kept praying.    Claudio looked at me and said, don't you feel like Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail?

When we were released two hours later we found five pastors standing across the street from the jail.   They had been praying for us.   These same men before my arrest had refused to preach in the parking lot.   My being jailed for preaching the gospel caused them to become bold and they began asking for the opportunity to preach.   Many were saved through the preaching of the Gospel in that parking lot.

My Life-Changing Lesson:

Being obedient to God’s will always brings joy and fruitfulness no matter how grim or dismal things may look initially.   (See Acts 16:19-35, Philippians 1:12-14)

-- End --   

Jailed for Jesus My Philippian Jailer Large Flesh and Blood
Praying with Boldness One Soul for Carlos Red Light District home
A Machetero or Killer No More Tears My Sermon vs His Message
Goodbye is not Forever Obedience Even with a Family First Time
Last Hundred Dollars Christmas Gift God's Floor isn't Hard
Confession is Good for the Soul You Cannot Serve Two Masters Almost Unbelievable

Image of Charles B. Moore.
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